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Summer Event 2021
Summer Event 2021
Summer 2021 commences!
1 minute read
Newwind 3.0
Newwind 3.0
Auction House  A new auctioning system allows you to bid for other people's items and list your own. Talk with a trader in /warp auction-house to view the auction house. The items with the highest bids are shown on pedestals inside the auction...
2 minute read
Anniversary Event 2021
Anniversary Event 2021
Anniversary Event 2021 commences!
1 minute read
Overseer 6.0
Overseer 6.0
The Overseer has been updated to be even better, with over 20 new automatic banning detections added.
It will also no longer be providing any leniency towards cheaters, no half measures.
A new message will appear in chat when each time a player...
1 minute read
Easter Event 2021
Easter Event 2021
Easter 2021 commences!
1 minute read
A New Leaf
A New Leaf
Rotating, constant seasonal worlds  Each seasonal has its own custom world (seperate from overworld,end and nether).  they have a 5000 x 5000 block border (expands when more space is needed)  Items drop on death in these worlds.  Custom...
2 minute read