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Seasonal Events

What are Seasonal Events?

Seasonal events are special events that last around a week and happen during specific times of the year (Easter, Summer, Christmas, etc.)
You can grind seasonal keys which can be opened for a variety of seasonal items, once the event ends, keys for that year are no longer obtainable,
therefore there is a limited supply of items from each event.

How Do I Play Seasonal Events?

There are two types of seasonal events, those in spawn and those in a seasonal world.

Spawn Events:

They are quite simple, in /spawn, mobs spawn during the day or night, killing these mobs has a very small chance to drop a seasonal key.

Wild Events:

In seasonal dimensions, you can kill mobs to drop keys but you can also collect terracotta from structures, or mining special ores, or from completing towers (depending on the seasonal).
Terracotta can be traded for keys or specific event items at certain traders found in the seasonal world.

In seasonal worlds:

  • Your items drop upon death
  • The world border is relatively small, so running into other players is possible
  • The world will reset every so often to refresh structures, so don't store valuables there.