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Referral System
2 minute read

Spread the word about newwind and earn rewards!

referral command

Referral Command
Use the new /referral command to create up to 3 referral links.
For example /referral create example will create link

New Players:

Any new players who join using your referral link, i.e. will start earning you rewards as they play.

Player Points:

Referring a player alone won't get you rewards.
The players accumulate "player points" for you as they progress through the game, each player can earn up to 5 points for you.
For example, a referred player that joins for 10 seconds then quits forever won't earn you any points, but a player who actually plays will earn you many points. The specifics of what earns a player points is secret to prevent abuse and will change over time.

High Quality Player (Got help, learned about newwind, made a clan, built bases etc.)

Low Quality Player (Joined for 10 seconds then quit forever)


  • You will earn 1x Dragon Egg and 1x Ancient Gold Powder for every 2 player points you get.
  • Gold Rank at 10 points. (or rank-up if you already have)
  • Emerald Rank at 25 points. (or rank-up if you already have)
  • Diamond Rank at 50 points. (or rank-up if you already have)
  • Redstone Rank at 75 points. (or rank-up if you already have)
  • Obsidian Rank at 100 points. (or rank-up if you already have)
  • 1 Year of Lapis Rank at 150 points.
  • Custom Mythical Item at 500 points.

 All referred players must be new unique people, using alt accounts to gain player points will result in you being banned from using referrals and you won't get any rewards.

How To Get Joins:

  1. Spread the word about newwind any way you choose, i.e. on Youtube, Tiktok, twitter, Instagram etc.
  2. Tell players to join using your link, i.e.
  3. Earn rewards from new players who use your link.

Tips To Earn More Points From Joins:

  • Make your content teach something about the server, newwind is very confusing, new players who know more will stick around longer.
  • Help out your referred players by gearing them/answering their questions.
  • Invite referred players to your clan and collaborate with them.


For owners of other minecraft servers, the referral system also works for the /transfer command,
for example /transfer playerName will transfer the given player to newwind with your referral link.

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4th Place - Citruna: 512 Dragon Eggs
5th Place -...
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