Quests have been completely reworked.
- All of the existing quests have been removed and replaced with 200+ new quests.
- The standard quest book lasts 1 day instead of 1 month, it resets at 12:00AM midnight (ET) each day.
- Everybody shares the same daily quests.
- Each day there are a dozen randomly picked quests ranging from super easy difficulty to very hard.
- There are timed quests, which require you to complete a task within a given amount of time.
- If you fail to complete a timed quest you will not be able to try again that day.
- As well as the quests giving loot, they will give quest points, each daily quest book gives ~30 quest points when completed.
- Quest points go towards a weekly challenge.
- The challenge requires you to earn a certain amount of quest points throughout the week in order to attain a special item.
- The challenge this week will be for Fealty.
Other Changes:
2022/06/25 - Reduce easter chest health pool by 1 heart.
2022/06/25 - Give spitter a cooldown.
2022/06/25 - Buff fragarach.
2022/06/25 - Buff lantura.
2022/06/26 - Nerf lovers blade.
2022/06/26 - Fix auction house stacked item listing bug.
2022/06/26 - Add visual effect to sterling XP giving.
2022/06/26 - Fix wings particles + make spitter cross shaped.
2022/06/27 - Show auction listings in the discord.
2022/06/27 - Make aliphona arrows despawn faster.
2022/06/27 - Reduce aliphona damage slightly, allow them to wear elytra and add particles.
2022/06/28 - Fix hare spawning when going offline.
2022/06/28 - Fix midas chest open logout bug.
2022/06/28 - Increase cooldown on aliphona.
2022/06/29 - Added /tptrader command for quests.
2022/06/29 - Completed quest update.